In order for me to attract my target audience i had to take a varity of different things into consideration. I want my film to appeal and atrract a wide range of people that will enjoy different aspects of the film. For instance:
The women within the film will attract the misogynistic men and create an intense feeling for them by the mistreatment of women in the film. Their hatred for women is tested in the film and enables them an insite of the feeling of hurting women. Another aspect is that of violence in the film for those people who are masochists and enjoy the idea of pain. This is something that is presence throughout our fim and in our title sequences. The classic elements that we have inculded within our title sequence and plan to include in our film will realate more to the older greneration as they already have a great appreciation for this style film. Whereas the more modern elements will attract the younger greneration and appeal to them more. Most of all our film will attract those people who have a good appreciation for the style of film and thrillers.
An important element that we have inculded within our opening sequence and film is that of building suspence. This is something that really draws the audience in and make them feel part of the film. We built up the suspence in the beginning of the opening sequence with the use of the jewllery music and no dislogue. This created a eery and creepy feel to the film and we played this throughtout. Although the music is not dramatic and is soft it has a great effect of building the suspence. The fact that no digloue is used throughout our title sequence helps create the tension and susupence and keeps the audience guess. We broke the suspence by the scream which is the climax of all the tension built. The scream has a dramtic effect as it breaks the audiences contreation and brings them out of the eery sense created. The choice of music is vaital to this attracting the audeinces attention and maintaining it.
In order for us to address the audience as well as appeal to them the specific camera angles and shots we used were all used to draw the audience into the action in the sequence. A particuliar shot we used that addressed the audeince was when I looked directly at the camera and the audience this allows the audience to feel like their there within the action. We also used different shot and angles that isloted the audience such as the use of shadows and quick paced shots that only revealed partiucular things and keep the audience confused and guessing. The Mis-en-Scene establishes the scenes and creates an isolated place. The scenes take place in an old shower room which is unfamiliar place to the audience and doesn't allow them to relate to them. This adds to the scaryiness of the opening sequence as it's unfamiliar to them and builds the suspence. The background of the scenes are alway present even if not seen and within our opening sequence we create a isolated feel by only allow the audience to see what we see. This technique really draw in the audience as they will try and predict what it going to happen but neither the characters or audience actully know. The use of shadows in the background and light in the foreground in the last scene means anything that comes will cause suspence to the audience and further entrice them into the film whilist necessarly breaking the tension.
When creating our title sequence we considered the target audience and designed our film with elements that ensures that it appeals to them. All these different techniques help to attract them and maintain their attention. I believe that our title sequence will attract the audience that we aim to and engage them in the film.
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