Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Question Seven

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you think you have learnt in progression from it to the full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task i think that i have learnt alot throughout the progess of developing our film. Such as working within a group and considerating other peoples ideas. There was a few arguements along the way and a conflict of which ideas to use but I think we over came our problems and work well together and achieve a good media production. I worked independently sometimes and voice my own ideas whilst combining and comprimising wih others.

During the process of developing our opening sequence I have developed and learnt new skills that i can apply in later media productions such as working a video camera, understanding of different angels that improve the shot and what works for the film in general as well as the style of thriller films. Specificly I have learnt all the conventions of a thriller film which were able to utilise in this project and can use again. I have never filmed or edited before so i have learnt at lot of skills. When it came to editing i was a bit worried that i would find it to difficult however once i was taught what to do i got better and learnt new skills on Imoives. It was hard to make descisons on what to edit and get rid of, and cutting shots that we liked but unecessary shots and picking the right mucic. This i found chanllaging as my group had different opinions but we came to a decsion after a long process. I believe that i challenged myself and pushed myself further to achieve the best of my skills and an great title sequences.

Now that I have developed theses skills in the media productions I would like to improve my skills in filming such as holding the camera steady and finding angels that work. Next time i do a media production i would like to become quick on the editing and creating shots that work. I found it hard to make my ideas of the project portray in shots and i would like to imporve on the next time. Overall i enjoyed the project as it taught me alot about films and in particular thriller films. Also different camera shots and angels that work and create a great image. Most of all i have learnt how hard it is to create an open sequence and film and how muc effort goes in to it, but i believe that i have produced an good media title sequence.

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